Ways to Give
Invest in a future beyond access.

When you donate to Tides, you are expanding access to abortion and compassionate practical support for those accessing care in Massachusetts who face the strongest barriers to care.

Redistributing Wealth to Build Community Power
Tide’s fundraising work is based on principles of redistribution. Making abortions financially accessible is an act of solidarity, not charity.
Tides collaborates with donors to redistribute funds within our communities through our abortion funding and practical support projects. Our donors believe in coming together to protect abortion access in MA, and expand resources beyond imaginary state borders. By fostering relationships with like-minded individuals and organizations, we aim to financially support the work of Tides, our community partners, and those seeking abortion access and related practical support.
Any size gift of money, time, or support is appreciated and builds our collective dream. Our average individual donation to Tides is under $3.

What is an Abortion Fund?
An abortion fund provides a variety of support options to someone seeking an abortion. Funds work in collaboration with other abortion funds, clinics, families, and supporters to coordinate care for people seeking an abortion. At Tides, we provide financial support for abortion care and transportation needed to get to and from appointments.

How Can I Support Tides?
Want to support Tide’s fundraising work? Email feyla mcnamara (she/they) at feyla@tidesforchange.org.
Want to Volunteer with Tides? You can reach out to our general inbox at tidesforchange@gmail.com and we’ll hit you back! As a new organization, we are still figuring out the ways to best utilize the time of those who would like to support us in our work. We appreciate your patience as we develop a system for receiving your kindness!
Thank you for all the ways you support Tides. Every part of your donation will be used to support the work of Tides. Tides is a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN is: 86-2456665.
Checks can be made out to: Tides for Reproductive Freedom
And mailed to:
Tides for Reproductive Freedom 650 Dwight Street PO Box 845 Holyoke, MA 01041
Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. If you have any questions on our fundraising or community development work, please email feyla mcnamara (she/they) at feyla@tidesforchange.org