Get Funds
A whole person approach to abortion funding.
Tides prioritizes funding for abortions performed in Massachusetts.
We support clients living in and traveling to/from Massachusetts to cover the full cost of their procedures and travel to/from the clinic.
The steps to getting support from Tides:
1. Make your appointment!
Check out this resource to find a provider! If you are 16 or older, you do not need parental consent to have an abortion.
2. Connect with Tides!
You can call or text (413) 419-1585 and we will get back to you within 48 hours. If you can, follow our voicemail instructions. If you prefer email, reach us at
By providing your phone number to Tides, you agree and acknowledge that Tides may send text messages to your wireless phone number, for any purpose.
3. Speak with our Intake team!
To fund your abortion, there’s some information we’ll need: Your name, date of birth, and abortion appointment information.
We provide real time translation via Boostlingo to ensure accuracy and the comfort of our community members. Accessibility is an integral part of Tide’s intake process.
If you need transportation to your appointment, let us know!